I don’t know where i went wrong, I don’t understand how did i manage to loose you
I miss you a lot,
sometimes, awake in the middle of these shitty nights I think about you and I’ve no idea what to
we haven’t talked in months, I guess due to our last fight,
for what it’s worth if it’s some kinda stand off for you, I would apologise a hundred times if it let’s
me keep you close
I would loose any fight between us rather than to loose you,
I don’t know if we are meant to be, I know we have our differences but I love you, I have these
stupid feelings for you
It feels like you’re all the colour in this dull grey world of mine, so full of life
remember the nights we stayed at xavier’s, and the river side walks at kasol, I don’t know why I
brought this up, I guess those moments are stuck in my head
If moving back can help I would quit this in a heartbeat, it doesn’t matter, I always did say you’re
all that matter to me
but then I do realise, you may not have same feelings for me, just because I like you and want
you near doesn’t mean you would want it too
Maybe i’m just ranting around because i miss you and scared to loose you but we all need to
express ourselves and i guess this is me, telling you how i feel, after all we are all stories in the
your’s rabbit
ps: would give anything to hear meow meow